Tips for Effective Board Members Communications

If your board members meet in person or virtually an open and transparent communications can lead to more engaged boards and more effective decision-making. To ensure that your board is provided with the best tools for making this process a success it is crucial to find the right solution for communication that is compatible with the goals of your company and its culture. We have put together a list of helpful tips for effective communication between board members.

Avoid „boardspeak“ – getting lost in your nonprofit’s jargon can quickly turn a conversation into a disinformation dump. Instead, try to keep it short and to the point and make sure to proofread it.

Be aware of the distinctive style of communication of each board member. Some prefer to hear information in visual form, while others prefer writing. Understanding these differences will enable you to communicate better, and help you build a strong board culture.

Establish a rhythm of communication. It is important to keep your board informed and up-to-date, even if they don’t meet frequently. Schedule check-in calls and emails at the same time each quarter or month so that your board members know what’s happening.

Visual aids can aid you to comprehend complicated information or data. Visual representations like charts, graphs and diagrams can help your board understand patterns or trends that would otherwise be difficult to grasp. By connecting these findings with familiar concepts and analogies, you can make the information easier to comprehend.
