How to Choose the Right Board Member for Your Organization

A well-run nonprofit or business requires an effective board of directors. A board member must bring a variety of expertise, knowledge and knowledge to the table to make a strategic decision and plan. They must be able communicate well, stay in contact with one another between meetings and be active when it comes to fundraising and networking.

You should consider a range of independent candidates who are acquainted with your industry and who share your mission and vision. They might include trusted mentors such as attorneys, CPAs and fellow entrepreneurs. It is also helpful to have board members who have previous board experience.

During the screening process, ensure that the candidate is committed and interested to serving as a board member. It’s a significant commitment and it might not be a perfect choice for all.

It is also important to inquire about their other commitments and be realistic of the time they can devote to the board. A board that is under-performing or is overloaded is not productive.

It is preferential to have a balanced number of board members, rather than an over-represented one to prevent ties. It is essential to have enough board members to ensure quorum and for the board to work, but you also need to be able get sound advice from the board without getting overloaded with too many voices.
