15 Reasons to Date a Cyclist

In the event the sweet man whom simply requested you out uses his vacations on a motorcycle, don’t hesitate to state yes.

Listed below are 15 reasons why you should date a cyclist:

1. Two terms: bike short pants.

2. Its science: Cyclists are hot. A recent study learned that cyclists just who excelled for the Tour de France tend to be perceived as more attractive than other athletes — and this the most notable 10% of cyclists „is about 25 percent more attractive compared to the least expensive 10 percent.“ Possibly fast will be the new-rich?

3. Cyclists tend to be wise. Based on a recently available Mindlab survey, we view cyclists as 13 % much more intelligent than the person with average skills.

4. Cyclists are great. Based on the exact same survey, cyclists are regarded as ten percent a lot more charitable than non-cyclists.

5. The date shall be around for a bit. Pro cyclists reside, normally, 6.3 even more years than non-cyclists. (Um, if they don’t get struck by a car.)

6. Cyclists tend to be handy. After many years of honing bike-maintenance skills, your go out are going to be up for repairing circumstances throughout the house, too.

7. The truly amazing in the open air. In case you are tired of online dating app older man younger woman interior kitties, date a cyclist. You will get reacquainted with nature. And maybe actually take a trip a tad bit more.

8. Cyclists tend to be committed — plus don’t take beat. Ideally this extends to their own quest for commitment success, also.

9. No sluggish bums here, merely toned people. Cyclists tend to be self-disciplined, typically rigorously therefore, and can withstand sun and rain to obtain their trips in.

10. Cyclists are constantly establishing objectives for themselves. If you prefer a forward-thinking go out, look no further.

11. Cyclists have actually fantastic near-death-experience tales to talk about, and that is why they can be also sticklers about safety.

12. You could start bicycling, as well! Your own time can be thrilled to share his/her enthusiasm when it comes to recreation. Indeed, the whole family can interact, should the couple sooner or later procreate.

13. Cyclists do not get in touch with unwell. In accordance with a 2013 survey from the nationwide routine Network, cyclists take half the quantity of unwell times because their community transportation-riding co-workers.

14. Think your date’s obsession using the open street is actually just a little over-the-top? He’s saner than you might think. Studies have shown that vigorous exercise like biking can raise amount and memory while minimizing stress and anxiety. The cycle is good for their brain.

15. Love the world? Biking is just as eco-friendly because gets.

Analysis Info:

2. http://www.livescience.com/43110-attractive-cyclists-tour-de-france.html and http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-26034659

3 and 4. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/cycling/cyclists-are-more-intelligent-charitable-and-cool-than-the-average-person-says-study-9051434.html

5. http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cycling/pro-cyclists-live-longer-report-20130903-2t3ka.html

13.  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/recreational-cycling/10097449/Cycling-halves-the-number-of-sick-days-taken-by-staff.html

14. http://www.bicycling.com/news/advocacy/your-brain-cycling

Some other sources:



